Department of Exterior Affairs

Bodies and organisations

The Department of Exterior Affairs is the branch of Government for international matters including the management and application of foreign policy and participation with foreign territories.

It works to handle the diplomatic relations of the nation, signing agreements with foreign territories and representing Hokoria. The branch also issues foreign policy, statements that relate to foreign matters and works to support citizens abroad.

Officials of the Department of Exterior Affairs

Royal Officer for Asian and Oceanic Affairs (Jul 2024 – present)


The Royal Officer for Exterior Affairs leads the Department of Exterior Affairs’ operations and represents the Government to the world.

Deputy Royal Officer for African and European Affairs (Jul 2024 – present)


The Deputy Royal Officer for European and African Affairs supports the Department of Exterior Affairs’ operations and represents the Government to European and African foreign territories.

Deputy Royal Officer for African and European Affairs (Jul 2024 – present)


The Deputy Royal Officer for European and African Affairs supports the Department of Exterior Affairs’ operations and represents the Government to European and African foreign territories.

Deputy Royal Officer for American and Caribbean Affairs (Jul 2024 – present)


The Deputy Royal Officer for European and African Affairs supports the Department of Exterior Affairs’ operations and represents the Government to American and Caribbean foreign territories.

Latest news and releases

Contacting the Department of Exterior Affairs

If you have a question, concern or otherwise need help from the Department of Exterior Affairs, please contact

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