Contacting the Government

As a Government, we understand the necessity of the public being able to get in touch, which is why there are multiple ways to contact us. Never share private or otherwise sensitive information unless you’re sure that you’re in contact with a Government official.

Contact online

How to contact the Government by email

The Royal Government of Hokoria is contactable by email at If you know which branch of Government you’d like to contact, you can also contact them directly.

Their Majesty’s Royal Office

To contact Their Majesty’s Royal Office and get in touch with the Chancellor or Deputy Chancellor, you can email

To make any requests that relate to restricted or sensitive documentation, you can email

Please note that the Koru is not contactable by the public and that any correspondence may be forwarded to another Government official.

Department of the Interior

To contact the Department of the Interior and get in touch with the Royal Officer for the Interior, you can email

Department of Exterior Affairs

To contact the Department of Exterior Affairs and get in touch with the Royal Officer for Exterior Affairs, Deputy Royal Officer for African and European Affairs, Deputy Royal Officer for Asian and Oceanic Affairs, Deputy Royal Officer for American and Caribbean Affairs or any delegations of the State of Hokoria, you can email

Please note that any requests for diplomatic relations are subject to decline as according to the Department of Exterior Affairs’ Exterior Policies.

How to be sure it’s the Government

Their Majesty’s Royal Office maintains a directory of all official points of contact, social media accounts and websites of the Royal Government of Hokoria on its Verify page.

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