King and Chancellor discuss Gaza and Ukraine

King Aaron I and Chancellor Willow Cizdeizd I discussed recent events in Gaza, and Ukraine.


Aaron I and Cizdeizd expressed their concerns in regard to the unrecognised State of Israel’s recent activity in Gaza.

The situation in Rafah is becoming increasingly concerning. The unrecognised State of Israel does not have any intention of backing down from their planned invasion of the city.

1.4 million people are estimated to be in Rafah, including 600,000 children. The Israel Genocide Forces are already suffocating Gaza through blocking aid from entering, having yesterday taken control of and closed the Rafah crossing. Of the 3 hospitals in Rafah, only 2 are operating, with hospitals and humanitarian missions in south Gaza thought to have only 3 days of fuel left before everything comes to a standstill.

Nobody in Gaza is safe from the Israel Genocide Forces.

His Majesty’s Royal Office statement (on behalf of the Department of Exterior Affairs)

In the conversation, the King and the Chancellor talked about the US pausing an arms shipment to the unrecognised State of Israel- this news is welcomed, though both agreed that it should have happened sooner and that more nations need to put pressure on the unrecognised State of Israel- including the United Kingdom which continues to send arms.

Antisemitism is on the rise across the world, which was discussed by the King and the Chancellor. Both believe that antisemitism is a plague and that more should be done to protect Jewish communities and educate people. The King and the Chancellor credit this rise, in part, as a result of antisemitism being politicised and used as a “social shield” to counter criticism of the unrecognised State of Israel. His Majesty’s Royal Office stands with Jews seeking the depoliticisation of antisemitism.


Aaron I and Cizdeizd talked about Russia’s strikes on Ukrainian energy facilities. They affirmed the fact that Russia has no right to invade Ukraine and expressed their concerns regarding the recent attacks.

Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine has been going on for 804 days- His Majesty’s Royal Office agrees that it must come to an end. The Ukrainian people have endured quite a lot from Russia, and our sympathies are with the friends of family of every person that has lost their lives.

We call for the immediate withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine and for fresh, impartial and fully democratic referendums to take place in the occupied Ukrainian territories that Russia has declared as its own.

His Majesty’s Royal Office statement (on behalf of the Department of Exterior Affairs)

The King and Chancellor did not fully see eye-to-eye about Russia and Ukraine, particularly in regard to funding and aid for Ukraine. Both agreed that the Russian people deserve better than Putin.

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