Willow I

Willow I is the Koru and founder of the State of Hokoria, leading the nation as the de facto head of state since June 2024. They previously served as the nation’s head of state between March and September 2023, then as the Branch Officer for Exterior Affairs between November and December 2023 and as the Chancellor between February and June 2024.

Positions currently held by Willow I

  • Koru (June 2024 – present)
  • Chair of the Hokorian Assembly (June 2024 – present)
  • Royal Officer for Exterior Affairs (June 2024 – present)
  • Ambassador of the State of Hokoria to the Cycoldian Imperium (April 2024 – present)
  • Observer Delegate of the State of Hokoria to the GUM (May 2024 – present)
  • Representative of the State of Hokoria to the GOCO (November 2023 – present)

Past positions held by Willow I

  • Head of State (March 2023 – September 2023)
  • Permanent Secretary to the Head of State (September 2023 – February 2024)
  • Branch Officer for Exterior Affaris (November 2023 – December 2023)
  • Deputy Branch Officer for Exterior Affairs (December 2023 – February 2024)
  • Permanent Secretary to the King (February 2024 – June 2024)
  • Chancellor (February 2024 – June 2024)

Additional information

Willow I is contactable through Their Majesty’s Royal Office at royaloffice@govhok.uk, and any other offices that they occupy.

How to address Willow I

Willow I should be addressed as ‘Their Majesty’, with the title of ‘Koru’. They may be referred to as Their Majesty, Koru Willow I. When addressing them in the capacity of another position, the title should be combined (for example, Their Majesty, Koru and Ambassador Willow I).

Birthday of Willow I

The occasion of Willow I’s birthday is celebrated on the 21st March.

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