King Aaron I

His Majesty, the King

Aaron Ross I

Currently serving as: Monarch (Head of the State), Representative for Kojima Island, Delegate of the State of Hokoria to the Cupertino Alliance

Aaron I is a Hokorian official that has been serving as the nation’s Head of the State since the 15th September 2023. They also held the position of Chancellor for three terms, serving as the 1st Chancellor between the 11th March 2023 the 1st July 2023.

They act as the Representative for Kojima Island, as the nation’s tertiary delegate within the delegation of the State of Hokoria to the Cupertino Alliance and as the leader of their own foreign territory, the Sprinske Empire.

Aaron I is interested in ships, aircraft and history- particularly the history of Scotland and Ireland.


Aaron I got into micronationalism in 2017, founding their first nation, the Windsor State. He was also a part of the Sprinske Communist Republic’s ‘Banana Uprising’, later rebelling against its leader to form the Sprinske Empire on the 30th October 2020.

As the leader of the Sprinske Empire, Aaron I joined the former BCMA, an inter-micronational organisation, where he met Willow Cizdeizd I as the leader of the Republic of Aweland. He was a part of the Republic of Aweland’s predecessor nations, Old Hokoria and the Secret Monarchist State of Hokoria.

Within Hokoria

Aaron I was invited as one of the first citizens of the nation, also accepting an offer to become the nation’s 1st Chancellor, even holding the position for two consecutive terms until the 1st July 2023. Despite leaving his position he remained active within the community and political scene, releasing a response to the controversial ‘Proposal A-20-7-23 and the Plan for the State of Hokoria’ which seeked to scrap the nation’s territorial claims. The plan was later scrapped by the former Head of State, Willow Cizdeizd I.

Ross served his 4th term as Chancellor, after he run for election as the leader of the Hokorian League of Centrists. He held this position for just 15 days, when it was announced that the Council of the State had selected him to succeed the former Head of State, Willow Cizdeizd I as the nation’s 2nd Head of State.

On the 18th February 2024, Aaron I became the nation’s monarch following reforms to the government structure, in favour of the nation becoming a monarchist state.

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