
Their Majesty’s Royal Office maintains a list of all sites, social media handles and email addresses used by the Royal Government of Hokoria and public bodies of the State of Hokoria.

  • – official website of the State of Hokoria
  • – official community Discord of the Department of the Interior
  • – official Discord server of the Department of Exterior Affairs
  • @hokgov – official Twitter / X handle of the Royal Government of Hokoria
  • @govhok – official Instagram handle of the Royal Government of Hokoria
  • @hokgov – official YouTube handle of the Royal Government of Hokoria
  • @govhok – official TikTok handle of the Royal Government of Hokoria


  • Any email address ending with (Government staff)
  • (Royal Government of Hokoria)

Please note that some emails from officials may come from non-listed personal email addresses. To verify if an email is really from the Royal Government of Hokoria, forward it to

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