King signs mutual recognition treaty with Rovia

On the 7th May 2024, His Majesty King Aaron I joined His Sultanic Highness Al Mu’tazz billah of Rovia in signing a Mutual Recognition Treaty between the State of Hokoria and the State of Rovia.

The Royal Government of Hokoria is very keen to see how far the State of Rovia and the State of Hokoria’s newfound partnership can go. Recognition is just the first step in what we’re sure will be a lasting and meaningful relationship between our nations.

Department of Exterior Affairs statement

We are glad today to be, at least virtually, shaking hands with of the people of Hokoria. Hokoria is an honorable nation that shares similar stances with us on a lot of issues, so we are excited for our nation to start cooperating with Hokoria.

Sultan of Rovia’s statement
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