Recognition towards Israel and Palestine

The State of Hokoria does not recognise the State of Israel, instead recognising the State of Palestine as the sovereign nation within the territories of the former British Mandate of Palestine.

The unrecognised State of Israel caught the attention of the former Foreign Service with its response to the October 7th attacks. On the 10th October 2023, the King released a statement where he expressed his condolences to those affected by the attacks calling for accountability in regards to Israel and Hamas’ conduct in the past and present. At the time, the Foreign Service recognised the Gaza strip and West Bank as territory of the State of Palestine and all other territory as Israel. This was later changed on the 27th October 2023 to reflect the borders defined by the UN General Assembly Resolution 181.

The Royal Government of Hokoria’s recognition changed again on the 4th December 2023 with recognition towards the State of Israel being completely withdrawn, instead recognising a State of Palestine as the sovereign nation within the territories of the former British Mandate of Palestine. The 4th December 2023 statement directly stated that the unrecognised State of Israel is occupying the State of Palestine’s territory.

This continues to be the Department of Exterior Affairs’ recognition policy in regards to the unrecognised State of Israel and the State of Palestine.

Frequently asked questions

Was the withdrawal of recognition towards the only Jewish state anti-semitic? We don’t believe so. A nation’s status as the only Jewish state doesn’t excuse the atrocities that it commits and how it actively ‘wrongs’ the Palestinian people.

Does the Department of Exterior Affairs condemn Hamas? Of course we condemn Hamas. No act as disgusting as what took place on October 7th is excusable. The attacks harmed Israelis, Palestinians and others from around the world. We hope for the safe return of hostages and accountability to be brought towards Hamas.

Does the Department of Exterior Affairs condemn the Israel Defence Forces? Of course we condemn the Israel Defence Forces. They have consistently broken international law through its attacks on schools, hospitals and residential buildings and have consistently published fake news as part of its propaganda programme. Furthermore, its targeting of journalists and aid workers is simply appalling. We strongly call for the Israel Defence Forces to be brought to account by the international community.

Does the Department of Exterior Affairs recognise Hamas? The Department of Exterior Affairs does not and never has recognised Hamas as a legitimate government.

Does the Department of Exterior Affairs recognise the Palestine’s government? The Department of Exterior Affairs does not recognise the State of Palestine (West Bank)’s government due to denial of genocide. This change of recognition took place on the 8th September 2023.

Does the Royal Government of Hokoria recognise Israeli citizens? No, we do not recognise a State of Israel and therefore do not recognise its citizens. Israeli citizens are barred from application to citizenship under Section 2.B of the Act of Citizenship (2023).

Does the Royal Government of Hokoria accept Jewish people? Yes, we believe that religion and non-harmful beliefs should be welcomed, and that self-expression through religion should be encouraged.

Does the Department of Exterior Affairs have relations with pro-Israeli nations? Yes, we believe that nations should be free to recognise however they like and don’t cut ties with or deny relations due to pro-Israeli stances. However, we will not tolerate views that attempt to justify crimes against humanity or breaking international law.

Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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