Principles of Hokoria


The Principles of Hokoria are the set of values and beliefs that should be at the core of the State of Hokoria.


Section 1
Hokoria should be a place that welcomes people of different beliefs that do not cause harm to the people of Hokoria.
Section 2
Hokoria should be a safe space that is free of fascism.
Section 3
Hokoria should never be left in the past and must change when necessary.
Section 4
Every action taken by officials and government should benefit the whole of Hokoria and never one or a few individuals.
Section 5
Hokoria should be a place of peace, never conflict. Conflict should only be a last resort and when in the defence of Hokoria.
Section 6
The people of Hokoria should be represented by its government.
Section 7
These principles must always be at the centre of what Hokoria does and what Hokoria is.
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