Order of Succession


The Order of Succession states how the position of Head of State should be filled and establishes the Council of the State as the public body that coordinates succession.


Date enacted:

Current version:

Approved by:



His Honour Aaron Ross HOS PROH


Section 0
This order of Hokoria is enforceable by the Central Government of Hokoria, as per the Declaration of Independence.
Section 1
The Head of State is the individual who is either the founder or any successors to the founder. Upon foundation, the founder should hold the position of Head of State until their removal from their office.
Section 2
The Head of State should hold the position of Head of State within their office. Their office should be at the highest level, with the Head of State having the highest level of seniority.
Section 3
The Council of the State is the succession body of the State of Hokoria.
Section 4
There should be five positions within the Council of the State. Three positions should be assigned to any individual, one position should be assigned to the previous Head of State and one position should be assigned to the founder.
Section 5
In cases where a single individual is eligible to hold the positions reserved for both the founder and the previous Head of State, the individual should occupy their position as the founder and the position of previous Head of State should be replaced with an extra position for any individual, until circumstances change.
Section 6
Should a majority of members of the Council of the State motion for the removal of the serving Head of State from their position, the Head of State should be removed from the Office of the Head of State and all powers should be transferred collectively to the Council of the State.
Section 7
Upon the removal of the Head of State from their office, the members of the Council of the State should hold the positions of ‘Councillor of the State’. These positions should be held until the appointment of a new Head of State.
Section 8
Councillors of the State should have the power to represent, manage and oversee the State of Hokoria and its public services. Any decisions that may significantly affect the State of Hokoria and its public services should only be taken with the explicit authorisation of a majority of all Councillors of the State.
Section 9
The Head of State should be granted a special position within the Council of the State upon their removal from office. This position should be used for advisory and not to make any decisions. This should occur only if they are deemed fit enough by a majority of Councillors of the State.
Section 10
Upon the removal of a Head of State, the Councillors of the State should work to choose a singular candidate to become the next Head of State.
Section 11
The Head of State should hold citizen status and have passed checks by the Council of the State to ensure that they fit the position well.
Section 12
The Council of the State should make a formal invitation to the candidate to hold the position of Head of State. Upon an invitation being accepted by a candidate, they should read aloud an oath that swears allegiance to the State of Hokoria and its people.
Section 13
Upon a candidate reading an oath, they should be appointed as the Head of State and all powers should be transferred to them at the Council of the State’s soonest convenience. The previous Head of State should replace the individual who held their position before them within the Council of the State. The Councillors of the State should cease to hold the positions of Councillors of the State.
Section 14
Upon the death of the founder or an individual holding the position of previous Head of State within the Council of the State, their positions should be replaced with extra positions for any individual, until circumstances change.
Section 15
Upon the death or resignation of the Head of State from their office, the members of the Council of the State should hold the positions of ‘Councillor of the State’. These positions should be held until the appointment of a new Head of State.
Section 16
Positions within the Council of the State should be filled by individuals assigned by the Head of State. Members of the Council of the State should have citizen status.
Section 17
Upon the death or resignation any members of the Council of the State, their position should be filled.
Section 18
The Head of State may remove any member of the Council of the State, with the exception of the previous Head of State and the founder.
Section 19
All positions of the Council of the State should be filled at all times and at the soonest convenience of the Head of State.
Section 20
Any individual who acquires the position of Head of State through ways not permitted within this Order of Succession should not be considered as the Head of State and the members of the Council of the State should hold the positions of ‘Councillor of the State’. These positions should be held until the appointment of a new Head of State.
Section 21
The identities of the members of the Council of the State should not be publicised in any way and should be treat as a matter of national security.
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