Charter of the Hokorian Enforcement and Investigative Agency


The Charter of the Hokorian Enforcement and Investigative Agency officially establishes and defines the inner workings and commitments of the Hokorian Enforcement and Investigative Agency.


Date enacted:

Current version:

Approved by:

24th March 2024

24th March 2024

Willow Cizdeizd I


Section 1 – Establishment

AThe Hokorian Enforcement and Investigative Agency is officially established as according to Section 2 Part A of the Act of Enforcement.

Section 2 – Administration

AThe HEIA should be led by the head of the Government at the highest level, holding the position of General Director, with specified Royal Duty Officers leading individual divisions within the agency, holding the positions of Operational Directors.
BThe Division of Enforcement and Compliance should be established as the division that should have jurisdiction over the enforcement of acts of law and orders, as well as direct public protection. The Division of Investigation and Intelligence should be established as the division that should have jurisdiction over the investigation of potential breaches to acts of law and orders, as well gathering intelligence in relation to crime and national security and integrity.

Section 3 – Training

AAll staff within the HEIA should be trained to an adequate level in order to be familiar with the acts of law and orders of the territory that they are operating within.
BAll staff within the HEIA should be trained to understand how to ensure that the public are protected, including how to make risk assessments in a short and pressured moment in time.
CAll staff within the HEIA should be trained to understand what is an appropriate level of enforcement to use in certain circumstances.

Section 4 – Staff

AStaff within the HEIA should be appointed by the General Director or the Operational Directors. Staff should only be permitted to operate within territory that they hold citizen status within and should be deemed to not be a threat to national security and integrity.
BStaff within the HEIA are expected to disclose any and all commitments and participation in foreign nations and groups.
CStaff within the HEIA may be suspended and investigated for breaching acts of law and orders whilst performing their duties, or whilst not performing their duties, by the Government.
DStaff within the HEIA may be dismissed by the General Director or the Operational Directors. They should be informed when they are dismissed.

Section 5 – Commitments

AThe HEIA should be committed to the protection of the public and the assurance of public safety, national security and national integrity.
BThe HEIA should be committed to appropriate levels of enforcement and should be committed to ensuring that enforcement is done in a manner that is both impartial, fair and extends to everyone.
CThe HEIA should be committed to using non-invasive and non-harmful investigative techniques where possible. Investigations should be conducted in a manner that is mindful of others and is extensive.
DThe HEIA should be committed to not conducting intelligence operations in foreign territories that have not ratified the Charter of the Hokorian Enforcement and Investigative Agency, where the authorities have not been informed and understand the operation.

Section 6 – Operations in foreign territories

AThe HEIA should ensure that all operations conducted in foreign territories are to the knowledge of the authorities within the territory, and that operations are conducted in compliance with foreign acts of laws, orders, policy, terms and procedures.
BThe HEIA has full jurisdiction within the territory of the State.

Section 7 – Amendments

AAmendments may be made freely to all Parts of Section 6, with the exception of Section 6 Part A, which requires the amendment to be passed through the legislative bodies of all territories that ratify this document.
BAmendments made to any other Sections should be passed through the legislative bodies of all territories that ratify this document. Failure to pass any changes through the legislative body within 5 calendar days will result in the automatic withdrawal of the HEIA from the foreign territory.
CThis Charter of the Hokorian Enforcement and Investigative Agency should be ratified by the Government.
DThis Charter of the Hokorian Enforcement and Investigative Agency should be ratified by the governments of foreign territories, with any additional and specific terms that should be agreed between the HEIA’s administration and the government of the foreign territory. These terms should be amended to Section 6.
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