Act of the Assembly (2024)


The Act of the Assembly established the Assembly, its structure and how it operates.


Date enacted:

Current version:

Approved by:

12th May 2024

12th May 2024

Not yet approved

Act of Law

Section 1 – Establishment

AThe Hokorian Assembly is established as the legislative and representative body of the State.
BThe Hokorian Assembly should hold jurisdiction to conduct its operations within the territory of the State.

Section 2 – Positions

AThe position of the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly should be held by the Head of the State, under the title of Chair. The Chair of the Hokorian Assembly should have the highest authority within the Assembly.
BThe position of the Session Speaker should be held by a Member of the Hokorian Assembly, under the title of Session Speaker. The Session Speaker should be appointed by the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly or the individual that opened a session or emergency session of the Assembly. The Session Speaker should have the second highest authority within the session or emergency session of the Assembly, below the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly, where the Session Speaker is not the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly.
CThe position of Member of the Hokorian Assembly should be held by a citizen, under the title of Member of the Hokorian Assembly. A citizen may be appointed as a Member of the Hokorian Assembly by the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly.

Section 3 – Sessions

AThe Chair of the Hokorian Assembly may open a session of the Assembly. Where opening a session of the Assembly, every Member of the Hokorian Assembly should be notified of the session at least 72 hours before the scheduled start of the session. A Session Speaker should be appointed before the scheduled start of the session.
BThe Chair of the Hokorian Assembly, the Head of the Government and all Governors may open an emergency session of the Assembly. Where opening an emergency session of the Assembly, every Member of the Hokorian Assembly should be notified of the emergency session at least 24 hours before the scheduled start of the emergency session. A Session Speaker should be appointed before the scheduled start of the emergency session.
CA session or emergency session may be closed by the Session Speaker upon their declaration of the session or emergency session’s closure. Where a Session Speaker is unable to close a session or emergency session, the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly, the Chancellor or any Governor may close the session or emergency session upon their declaration of the session or emergency session’s closure.
DAn agenda should be prepared for each session or emergency session by the Session Speaker. The agenda should be published before the scheduled start of the session or emergency session. The agenda may be updated during a session or emergency session, and should contain all items of the session or emergency session.
EThe floor of the Assembly should be controlled by the Session Speaker through the opening and closure of the floor of the Assembly to any individual at any time during a session or emergency session through their declaration of the opening or closure of the floor of the Assembly.
FA document or resource should be presented to the Assembly by the Session Speaker before the scheduled start of, or during, a session or emergency session. Documents and resources presented to the Assembly should be formatted for the Assembly and reviewed by the Session Speaker before being presented during a session or emergency session.
GAn item may be proposed to the Session Speaker before the scheduled start of, or during, a session or emergency session. An item may be a motion, reading, debate or forum for questioning an individual.
HThe Session Speaker may focus the floor of the Assembly on an item through their declaration of the focussing during a session or emergency session. Where an item is actively being discussed, the Assembly should consider itself to be focused on the item. The Assembly should focus on an item until it is fulfilled.
IWhere an item is actively being discussed, the Session Speaker may open and close the floor of the Assembly to an individual who is not the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly or a Member of the Hokorian Assembly.
JA proposed item may be dismissed where the Session Speaker or Chair of the Hokorian Assembly does not consider the item to require the Assembly’s attention.
KA vote may be initiated by the Session Speaker through their declaration, where they consider a vote to be necessary for the fullfillment of an item during a session or emergency session. The Session Speaker should provide clear options for votes.
LThe Session Speaker and Members of the Hokorian Assembly may participate in a vote. The Session Speaker should only consider the votes of those present within the session.
MA vote may be closed by the Session Speaker through their declaration, where all participants of the vote have voted, or where all participants of a vote have been given a reasonable time to have voted. Where a vote is closed, participants of the vote should not change their vote. Where a vote is closed, the Session Speaker should count and record all votes. The Assembly should comply with the results of a vote.

Section 4 – Conduct

AAll participants of a session or emergency session should act professionally and respectfully.
BAll participants of a session or emergency session should avoid disrupting the session or emergency session.
CMembers of the Hokorian Assembly are subject to investigation by the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly and the Government.
DThe Session Speaker may remove any individual from a session or emergency session should their conduct be unprofessional, disrespectful or otherwise disruptive.

Section 5 – Appointments and dismissals

AA Session Speaker should be appointed by the individual who opened a session or emergency session or the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly. Any Member of the Hokorian Assembly including the individual, and the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly, may be appointed as a Session Speaker through a declaration from the individual who opened a session or emergency session.
BA Session Speaker may be dismissed by the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly through their declaration. Where a session or emergency session is scheduled or is actively taking place, the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly should appoint a new Session Speaker.
CThe Head of the State is considered to assume the position of Chair of the Hokorian Assembly. Where they no longer hold the position of Head of the State, they are considered to no longer hold the position of Chair of the Hokorian Assembly.
DA citizen may be appointed as a Member of the Hokorian Assembly by the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly, by declaration where they hold the position of Chancellor, a Governor or where selected as according to the Act of Representation (2023). This appointment should be made with the individual’s consent.
EA Member of the Hokorian Assembly should be dismissed by the Chair of the Hokorian Assembly by declaration where they no longer hold the position of Chancellor, a Governor or where they are no longer selected as according to the Act of Representation (2023). This dismissal should be made with the individual’s awareness, where possible.

Section 6 – Publication and access

AThe agendas of sessions or emergency sessions should be published by the Session Speaker at their soonest convenience.
BThe item voting records of sessions or emergency sessions should be published by the Session Speaker at their soonest convenience.
CThe public should be granted access to observe sessions or emergency sessions, where the session or emergency session has not been restricted by the Session Speaker.
DThe Session Speaker may restrict a session or emergency session where an item may threaten national security or integrity, threaten an active investigation or should they contain sensitive information that may threaten the safety of individuals.
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