Act of Territory (2023)


The Act of Territory establishes the territory of the State, as well as the rights of entry and government powers to blacklist groups, organisations and individuals.


Date enacted:

Current version:

Approved by:

11th March 2023

12th May 2024

Aaron I

Act of Law

Section 1 – Boundaries

AThe claim of the State of Hokoria and the claim’s boundaries are defined as according to the Declaration of Independence.
BThe claim of the Territori Reial de Keraland (Royal Territory of Keraland) and the claim’s boundaries are defined as according to the Territorial Order of Keraland (Keralandean).
CThe claim of the Royal Territory of Atlantis and the claim’s boundaries are defined as according to the Territorial Order of Atlantis (Atlantean).

Section 2 – Operation

AThe Government and any public bodies should govern and maintain the State’s territory.
BThe Government may enforce any Acts of Law and Royal Orders within the State’s territory. The Government and Territorial Governments may enforce any Territorial Orders within the Territorial Order’s assigned claim.

Section 3 – Public, emergency and maintenance right

AIndividuals should be unrestricted in entering and leaving public areas of the State’s territory, where they are not blacklisted or where they do not threaten the national security or integrity of the State.
BIndividuals should be unrestricted in entering and leaving public and private areas of the State’s territory, where they are providing an emergency service or are responding to an emergency situation. Individuals may be removed from the State’s territory where they are blacklisted or where they threaten the national security or integrity of the State.
CIndividuals should be unrestricted in entering and leaving public and private areas of the State’s territory, where they are providing a maintenance service. Individuals may be removed from the State’s territory where they are blacklisted or where they threaten the national security or integrity of the State.

Section 4 – Blacklisting

AThe Government may blacklist organisations and groups from entering the State’s territory. Blacklisted organisations and groups that are found to be present within the State’s territory should be removed at the soonest convenience of the Government, except for where they are providing an emergency service, are responding to an emergency situation or are providing a maintenance service. Individuals may be removed from the State’s territory where they are blacklisted or where they threaten the national security or integrity of the State.
BThe Government may blacklist organisations from entering the State’s territory. Blacklisted individuals that are found to be present within the State’s territory should be removed at the soonest convenience of the Government, except for where they are providing an emergency service, are responding to an emergency situation or are providing a maintenance service. Individuals may be removed from the State’s territory where they are blacklisted or where they threaten the national security or integrity of the State.

Section 5 – Amendments

AThe claims of the State’s territory may be amended by the Head of the State and the Territorial Governments.
BThe boundaries of the State’s territory may be amended by the Head of the State and the Territorial Governments.
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