Act of Territorial Government (2024)


The Act of Territorial Government establishes the Territorial Governments.


Date enacted:

Current version:

Approved by:

12th May 2024

12th May 2024

Not yet approved

Act of Law

Section 1 – Establishment

AThe Keraland Governor’s Office is established as the Territorial Government of the Territori Reial de Keraland (Royal Territory of Keraland). The Atlantean Governor’s Office is established as the Territorial Government of the Royal Territory of Atlantis.
BThe Territorial Governments should hpld jurisdiction to conduct their operations within their territory.

Section 2 – Positions

AThe position of the Governor should be held by a citizen, under the official title of Governor. The Governor should have authority over their Territorial Government. The Governor should be appointed and excused by the Head of the State.
BThe position of the Deputy Governor should be held by a citizen, under the official title of Deputy Governor. The Deputy Governor should be appointed and excused by the Head of the State or Governor.

Section 3 – Policy and procedure

ATerritorial Governments may issue policy that should be considered by the Government and the public where applicable within its territory. This should be titled as Territorial Policy.
BPolicy may be freely amended by the Territorial Government it was issued by.
CPolicy may be freely revoked by the Territorial Government that it was issued by, as well as by the Royal Office.

Section 4 – Staff

ACitizens may be appointed to a position within the Territorial Governments by any Official that is authorised to make such an appointment. Appointments should be made with the consent of the individual in question and should not be made where the individual is under investigation or is considered to be a potential threat to national security and integrity.
BStaff may be dismissed from a position within Territorial Governments by any Official that is authorised to make such a dismissal. The individual in question should be informed of their dismissal within 48 hours of the dismissal taking place. Where staff is dismissed, any security clearance and access to sensitive material should be terminated where possible.
CStaff are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is professional and that positively represents the State, when acting in an official capacity. Staff are expected to report any and all concerns regarding national security and integrity of the State to the Head of the State, Governor or the Head of the Government.
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