Act of Sexual Offences


This Act of Sexual Offences outlines provisions related to sexual consent, age of consent, disclosure of infections or diseases, location of sexual interactions, and offenses associated with violations of these provisions.


Date enacted:

Current version:

Approved by:



Willow Cizdeizd I

Act of Law

Section 0
This act of law of Hokoria is enforceable by the Central Government of Hokoria, as per the Declaration of Independence.
Section 1
All sexual interactions that occur in the State of Hokoria must be based on the full and informed consent of all parties involved. Consent is defined as a voluntary, clear, and unambiguous agreement between competent individuals to engage in sexual activity.
Section 2
Individuals under the age of 18 are deemed unable to provide legal consent for sexual interactions.
Section 3
Prior to engaging in any sexual interaction that may transmit a sexual infection or disease, individuals are legally required to disclose their known infections or diseases to their sexual partners. Failure to disclose known sexual infections or diseases when required is an offense.
Section 4
Sexual interactions should not take place in a public space, which includes but is not limited to streets, parks, public transportation, and other areas accessible by the general public.
Section 5
Any sexual interaction that violates the age of consent provisions (Section 2) and occurs in a public space (Section 4) is classified as ‘Committing rape where a minor could not legally consent’ and is an offense. Any sexual interaction that takes place in a public space (Section 4) is classified as ‘Having sexual interactions in a public space’ and is an offense. Any sexual interaction in which all participants did not consent (Section 1) is classified as ‘Rape where all participants did not consent’ and is an offense. Sexual interactions can only occur when all parties involved are conscious and have the capacity to consent, free from impairment due to substances, coercion, or learning or understanding difficulties. Preventing anyone from seeking contraception is a crime classified as ‘Preventing contraception’ and is an offense.
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