Act of Enforcement (2023)


The Act of Enforcement establishes a public body for enforcement and investigation of breaches to law and orders, as well as how the public body is administered and the powers that it possesses.


Date enacted:

Current version:

Approved by:

11th March 2023

24th March 2024

Aaron I

Act of Law

Section 1 – Establishment

AThe Government should establish and maintain an enforcement and investigative agency with the responsibility of enforcing law and orders, as well as investigating breaches of law, orders and threats to national security and integrity.
BThe enforcement and investigative agency should be led by an Official.
CThe enforcement and investigative agency should have the authority to operate freely within the State of Hokoria and any other territories that ratify the appropriate charter.

Section 2 – Administration

AThe enforcement and investigative agency’s structure and administration should be defined in a charter that is to be ratified and maintained by the Government.

Section 3 – Enforcement

AThe enforcement and investigative agency should have grounds to detain individuals should they be suspected of breaking, seen to break or have been proven to have broken any acts of law and orders that have been imposed at the time, only where the offence is deemed serious enough.
BThe enforcement and investigative agency should have grounds to refer individuals to other public bodies and to a judicial body should they be considered to be at risk of causing harm to themselves or others or at risk of breaking any acts of law and orders. 
CThe enforcement and investigative agency should have authority to use an appropriate and non-excessive amount of force where it is deemed necessary to do so where an individual fails to comply, is at risk of harming themself, is at risk of harming others or is at risk of destroying evidence.
DThe enforcement and investigative agency should have authority to take control over public spaces where it is deemed necessary for preventing harm, the preservation of evidence and to prevent mass hysteria.
EThe enforcement and investigative agency should have the authority to issue penalties where an individual is believed to have broken any acts of law or orders, although not severe enough to justify detainment or in addition to detainment.
FThe enforcement and investigative agency should have the authority to confiscate property where it is deemed necessary for preventing harm, the preservation of evidence and to prevent mass hysteria.

Section 4 – Investigation

AThe enforcement and investigative agency should have the authority to investigate any potential violations of acts of law, orders or potential threats to national security and integrity.
BThe enforcement and investigative agency should have the authority to seize any property where it may support an investigation, where it is an illegal item or substance and where it was obtained through illegal or otherwise illegitimate means.
CThe enforcement and investigative agency should have the authority to conduct searches of individuals and property where there is suspicion that they may be concealing evidence or an illegal item or substance.
DThe enforcement and investigative agency should have the authority to conduct an interview and questioning of an individual where it may support an investigation. 
EThe enforcement and investigative agency should not have the authority to investigate breaches of acts of law and orders that originate from inside of the enforcement and investigative agency or directly involve individuals from the enforcement and investigative agency. The Government should investigate these matters.
FThe enforcement and investigative agency should refer any breaches to acts of law and orders to a judicial body, where it is in the public interest.

Section 5 – Special measures

AThe enforcement and investigative agency may take immediate and extensive action to prevent serious harm.
BThe enforcement and investigative agency may take immediate and extensive action to prevent serious public disorder.
CThe enforcement and investigative agency may take immediate and extensive action to prevent serious breaches of national security and integrity.
DThe enforcement and investigative agency should comply with foreign acts of laws, orders and policies when conducting operations in a foreign territory.
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