Act of Democratic Reform (2023)


The Act of Democratic Reform establishes the democratic processes of the State of Hokoria.


Date enacted:

Current version:

Approved by:

17th November 2023

12th May 2024

Aaron Ross

Act of Law

Section 1 – Establishment

AChancellor elections should allow the public to elect a single individual as their Chancellor.
BGovernor elections elections should allow the public to elect a single individual as the Governor per territory, excluding the State of Hokoria.
CReferendums should allow the public to vote on a matter where the Assembly votes in favour of the referendum taking place.

Section 2 – Chancellor elections

AChancellor elections should be held with a frequency of at most every 6 calendar months.
BA Chancellor election should be announced by the Assembly at least 168 hours (7 days) before the scheduled opening of the election. The day that the Chancellor election opens should be included in the announcement.
CA Chancellor election should be opened by the Assembly between 11am and 1pm, Hokorian Local Time, on the announced day that the Chancellor election should open.
DIndividuals with local citizen status and international citizen status should be allowed to submit a ballot during a Chancellor election. Ballots should use first-past-the-post voting where they may select a single candidate as their choice for Chancellor. The Assembly should be able to identify the individual who submitted the ballot and the time and date that the ballot was submitted.
EA Chancellor election should be closed by the Assembly between 11am and 1pm, Hokorian Local Time, 6 calendar days after voting opened. After a Chancellor election is closed, ballot submissions should not be accepted.
FUpon a Chancellor election being closed, the Assembly should count and verify the validity of all submitted ballots. The Assembly may dismiss ballots that originate from individuals without local citizen status or international citizen status, ballots that were submitted before the opening of the Chancellor election, ballots that were submitted after the closing of the Chancellor election, and ballots that are completed incorrectly. Where all ballots have been counted, the Assembly should announce the winner at their soonest possible convenience.
GIndividuals with local citizen status and international citizen status may register to be a candidate in a Chancellor election, from the announcement of a Chancellor election to 24 hours (1 day) before the announced day that the Chancellor election should open. Upon registration, the Assembly should include their name as a choice on the ballot.
HCandidates in a Chancellor election may withdraw from the Chancellor election at any time before the opening of the Chancellor election. Upon withdrawal, the Assembly should remove their name as a choice on the ballot.

Section 3 – Governor elections

AGovernor elections may be held at any time, where ordered by the Head of the State.
BA Governor election should be announced by the Assembly at least 168 hours (7 days) before the scheduled opening of the election. The day that the Governor election opens should be included in the announcement.
CA Governor election should be opened by the Assembly between 11am and 1pm, Hokorian Local Time, on the announced day that the Governor election should open.
DIndividuals with local citizen status and international citizen status should be allowed to submit a ballot during a Chancellor election, where they are registered in the territory where the Governor is being elected. Ballots should use first-past-the-post voting where they may select a single candidate as their choice for Governor. The Assembly should be able to identify the individual who submitted the ballot and the time and date that the ballot was submitted.
EA Governor election should be closed by the Assembly between 11am and 1pm, Hokorian Local Time, 6 calendar days after voting opened. After a Governor election is closed, ballot submissions should not be accepted.
FUpon a Governor election being closed, the Assembly should count and verify the validity of all submitted ballots. The Assembly may dismiss ballots that originate from individuals without local citizen status or international citizen status, ballots that originated from individuals that are not registered in the territory where the Governor is being elected, ballots that were submitted before the opening of the Governor election, ballots that were submitted after the closing of the Governor election, and ballots that are completed incorrectly. Where all ballots have been counted, the Assembly should announce the winner at their soonest possible convenience.
GIndividuals with local citizen status and international citizen status that are registered in the territory where the Governor is being elected may register to be a candidate in a Governor election, from the announcement of a Governor election to 24 hours (1 day) before the announced day that the Governor election should open. Upon registration, the Assembly should include their name as a choice on the ballot.
HCandidates in a Governor election may withdraw from the Governor election at any time before the opening of the Governor election. Upon withdrawal, the Assembly should remove their name as a choice on the ballot.

Section 4 – Referendums

AA referendum should be announced by the Assembly at least 168 hours (7 days) before the scheduled opening of the referendum. The day that the referendum  opens should be included in the announcement.
BA referendum should be opened by the Assembly between 11am and 1pm, Hokorian Local Time, on the announced day that the referendum should open.
CIndividuals with local citizen status and international citizen status should be allowed to submit a ballot during a referendum. Ballots should use first-past-the-post voting where they may select a single option as their choice per question. The Assembly should be able to identify the individual who submitted the ballot and the time and date that the ballot was submitted.
DA referendum should be closed by the Assembly between 11am and 1pm, Hokorian Local Time, 6 calendar days after voting opened. After a referendum is closed, ballot submissions should not be accepted.
EUpon a referendum being closed, the Assembly should count and verify the validity of all submitted ballots. The Assembly may dismiss ballots that originate from individuals without local citizen status or international citizen status, ballots that were submitted before the opening of the referendum, ballots that were submitted after the closing of the referendum, and ballots that are completed incorrectly. Where all ballots have been counted, the Assembly should announce the winner at their soonest possible convenience.

Section 5 – Campaigning

AWhere campaigning during a Chancellor election, Governor election or referendum, individuals and groups should refrain from publishing misinformation and unreasonable claims.
BWhere campaigning during a Chancellor election, Governor election or referendum, individuals and groups should refrain from damaging or otherwise vandalising any property that does not belong to the individual or group.
CWhere campaigning during a Chancellor election, Governor election or referendum, individuals and groups should refrain from harassing candidates, campaigners or voters.
DWhere an individual or group is believed to have breached Section 5 of the Act of Democratic Reform, the Assembly should investigate and reach a conclusion as to whether a breach took place.
EThe Assembly may recommend actions to be taken against individuals and groups found to have breached Section 5 of the Act of Democratic Reform. The Head of the State may impose any action upon individuals and groups found to have breached Section 5 of the Act of Democratic Reform.

Section 6 – Appointments and action

AWhere an individual is elected as a Chancellor following a Chancellor election, the Head of the State should appoint them as such.
BWhere an individual is elected as a Governor following a Governor election, the Head of the State should appoint them as such.
CWhere a referendum concludes with a definitive result, the Assembly and Government should comply with the results of the referendum.
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