Recognised foreign territories (XTR/RS) logs

The Department of Exterior Affairs maintains a Recognised foreign territories (XTR/RS) list which contains a list of all nations formally recognised by the Royal Government of Hokoria. This page contains a log of updates to the list, since records began in July 2023.

1st July 2023Removed the Free Socialist State of Paloma
8th August 2023Added missing member states and provisional member states of the Grand Unified Micronational
14th August 2023Removed the Oniyan-Forestrian Empire (dissolved)
14th August 2023Added Forestria
14th August 2023Modified the Iron Republic (resolved grammatical error)
14th August 2023Modified the Republic of Ikerlàndia (new name of foreign territory)
8th September 2023Removed the government of the State of Palestine (note: government only. The State of Hokoria will not recognise governments that call for, deny the history of or participate in acts of genocide)
21st October 2023Added the Federal Republic of Mabreunia
27th October 2023Modified recognition note for the State of Israel and State of Palestine (note: recognised as defined in UN General Assembly Resolution 181)
27th October 2023Removed the State of Israel (note: government only. The State of Hokoria will not recognise governments that actively commit atrocities)
27th October 2023Removed the Kingdom of Salanda (note: denial, encouragement and justification of human rights atrocities)
18th November 2023Added the United Kingdoms of Derovia (note: member of the Global Oceanic Cooperation Organisation)
18th November 2023Added the Republic of Dostykstan (note: member of the Global Oceanic Cooperation Organisation)
18th November 2023Added the Oligarch State of Curnon (note: member of the Global Oceanic Cooperation Organisation)
18th November 2023Added the Republic of Nilux (note: member of the Global Oceanic Cooperation Organisation)
18th November 2023Added the Free Republic of Liberland
18th November 2023Added the Free Republic of Verdis
26th November 2023Removed the Tsardom of Kaltarsia (note: dissolved)
26th November 2023Added the Sprinske Empire
26th November 2023Added the Federal Republic of Turisa
26th November 2023Removed the Corsian Empire (note: dissolved)
26th November 2023Added member states and provisional member states of the Cupertino Alliance
26th November 2023Removed the Kingdom of Novus Hierosolymis (note: withdrawl from the Cupertino Alliance)
26th November 2023Added the Griftinian Imperial Federation
26th November 2023Added the Communist Republic of Vogelia
29th November 2023Added the Second Commonwealth of Australis (note: promoted to provisional member of the Cupertino Alliance)
4th December 2023Removed the State of Israel
23rd December 2023Removed the member states and provisional members of the Grand Unified Micronational
31st December 2023Removed the Syrian Arab Republic (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the People’s Republic of China (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the Russian Federation (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the Islamic Republic of Iran (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the Republic of the Sudan (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the Republic of South Sudan (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the State of Eritrea (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the Democratic Republic of the Congo (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the Republic of Turkey (note: government only)
31st December 2023Removed the Republic of Iraq (note: government only)
3rd January 2024Added the Koryoan Realm
31st January 2024Modified the Myeonghan Realm (new name of foreign territory)
7th February 2024Removed the Kingdom of Suteria (note: relations not maintained)
7th February 2024Removed the Federal Kingdom of Golden Hill and Sdraliv (note: relations not maintained)
25th February 2024Removed the Communist Republic of Vogelia (note: hateful conduct)
28th April 2024Removed the Empire of Levinia
8th May 2024Added the State of Rovia
8th June 2024Removed the Federal Republic of Turisa (Turisan Federation) (note:
This change has been made in accordance with Exterior policy and has been appropriately communicated with the foreign territory.)
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