
The Royal Government of Hokoria is committed to maintaining public safety, which is why we are robust in protecting against terrorism.

Terror offences

Under Hokorian law, terrorism is considered to be “the use of extreme violence, causing serious damage to property, endangering another individual’s life or creating a serious risk to the health and safety of the public” and “where the act is targetted towards the Government, a public body, the public, or a section of the public”.

Proscribed organisations

The Department of the Interior maintains a list of proscribed organisations (INT/PO). Hokorian law prohibits the membership, support and direction of all proscribed organisations.

How we handle terror offences

The Department of the Interior investigates terrorism offences. Where it concludes that an individual has committed a terror offence, Their Majesty’s Royal Office will take action against the individual.

The actions the Government takes may vary depending on the offence though it will typically be the complete blacklisting from the State of Hokoria, blacklisting from accessing services of the Royal Government of Hokoria and citizen status being revoked (under Section 6A of the Act of Citizenship).

Report a suspicion of terrorism

Terrorism may be reported to the Department of the Interior. In an emergency, contact your local authorities immediately. Reporting a suspicion of terrorism to the Royal Government of Hokoria does not mean that you must not report a suspicion to your local authorities.

Cooperation with foreign authorities

Due to the United Kingdom not recognising the sovereignty of the State of Hokoria, the Royal Government of Hokoria cooperates with the UK’s Counter Terrorism police in regard to terrorism and proscribed organisations. This cooperation includes and is not limited to, reporting any breach of UK terror law (regardless of whether an act breaches Hokorian terror law or not).

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