Help with forms

Whilst we try and make our forms as accessible and understandable as possible, we also know that not everyone has the same experience with forms. If you’re struggling with completing a form that’s operated by the Royal Government of Hokoria or a public body of the State of Hokoria, the Department of the Interior can help.

Finding forms

Our forms are located on the GOVHOK website- if you can’t find the right page, we suggest searching for it or getting in touch with the Department of the Interior.


We want to ensure that our forms are as accessible as possible, which is why we’re in the process of moving our forms to the Google Forms service to make sure that they’re accessible online. For those that can’t access Google Forms, PDF forms are available from the Department of the Interior upon request.

Reporting errors

If you see an error in any of our forms, you can report it to the Department of the Interior.

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