Aaron I announces abdication

His Majesty, King Aaron I has announced that he will abdicate from his position as Monarch on the 13th June 2024.

King’s statement

To the Council of State and people of Hokoria,

I have been Head of State of Hokoria since September of 2023, when the founder and my friend, Willow Cizdeizd I, stood down as Head of State. Since then however, I must admit that activity has taken a hit. Hokoria’s golden era I would say was before me, early to mid 2023 was perhaps the most active and productive period of Hokoria’s history, and despite Willow having stood down, they have still remained in government doing much of the work continuously, almost as if they never left office. My own activity in comparison has not been great, and I feel like after eight months of stagnation, change is necessary.

Therefore, I shall resign as Head of State of Hokoria, and all government positions effective as of 13 June 2024 at exactly 08:35. It may surprise you to know that I have been considering this for a few months now, as I’ve been reevaluating my leadership. Although this was never my first choice, I feel now that it is the best course of action for Hokoria’s future.

I’d say ruling multiple micronations at once independently from each other meant that none of them could ever be truly successful. I cannot take credit for very much of Hokoria’s successes, and I don’t think my time as Head of State will be remembered very fondly in the future, when Hokoria is hopefully back to the way it was before I took over. Over-reliance on my predecessor, as well as micronational duties taking up time which I wanted to invest in my other projects amidst my mind having conflicted feelings about all of this meant that it could never truly be beneficial for Hokoria. For that I would like to apologise, for the lack of activity and sustainability.

My interest in micronationalism fades and reappears every so often, which means that there could be long periods where I simply wouldn’t be motivated to run a country, and in the last few months, this has happened a few times. Although you know I have always loved Hokoria since the very beginning, I cannot fully dedicate myself and my time to it, and why have a leader who can’t do these things?

It’s been a great honour to have served Hokoria, to have been Chancellor three times, to have been Head of State and King in more recent months, but above all, it’s been wonderful to watch Hokoria growing thanks to the amazing work of the government members, who deserve all the credit they get for their hard work and dedication to making Hokoria better, to make each day brighter than the last.

A new Head of State and Monarch will be chosen by 13 June 2024 at 8:35AM. I have served in government since foundation, however I will now retire from Hokorian politics and I do not see myself making a comeback in the future, as Chancellor or Head of State. I wish my successor the best of luck, and the people of Hokoria a bright new future which I could not give you.

Beannachd leat mo charaidean, agus tapadh leat.

King Aaron I, Monarch

What is the Council of the State?

The Council of the State is the State of Hokoria’s succession council, having been formed by Cizdeizd when they were the Head of State. The Council of the State consists of 5 members, including the serving Monarch and the last Head of the State.

What will happen now?

The Council of the State will work to nominate a successor by the 13th June 2024. The decision regarding who becomes the next Hokorian Monarch must be unanimous among the entire Council of the State.

How can the public help?

The public cannot get involved in the Council of the State, though they can share their thanks for King Aaron I.

Who can Hokoria’s next Monarch be?

Any Hokorian citizen can be nominated by the Council of the State to become Hokoria’s next Monarch. Upon being nominated, the Council of the State reaches out to offer the position. The Monarch is not elected as part of any democratic election.

Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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