Exterior and Royal Office publish new micronational relations policy

The Department of Exterior Affairs and the Royal Office have published the Exterior policy for micronational relations. The previous consultation version was originally published in December 2023, with work being conducted by the Chancellor and the Exterior staff in order to provide a clear and reasonable policy when the Exterior and wider government are considering foreign micronational territories.

The new Exterior policy for micronational relations was brought into effect upon publication (19th April 2024), though is not expected to immediately impact any of Hokoria’s existing relations and recognition. Where change is needed, the Department of Exterior Affairs will reach out to any impacted foreign territories and officials.

The Exterior’s XTR/RS (Recognised States) list will be updated in the coming months to reflect the changes under the new Exterior policy for micronational relations, though de jure recognition will not be included or maintained on any official Government document.

Read the new Exterior policy for micronational relations.

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