King’s Day of Foundation statement

King Aaron I has released his statement for the Day of Foundation as the State of Hokoria marks one year since it was founded.

Today marks one year since Hokoria was founded, I still find it hard to believe how far Hokoria has come in that time. It feels weird to think that it’s been a year already. As many of you will know, Hokoria’s name comes from the Japanese word for pride, Hokoria was created as something we could be proud of, and in that original aim, I believe it has been a success. I think I speak for all of Hokoria’s government when I say that we are very proud of what Hokoria has become, there has been some turbulence along the way in different shapes and forms, but a year on, Hokoria has grown into something to be proud of. So, I want to thank each and every one of you for making that goal a reality. Thank you to our amazing Royal Government of Hokoria for all of their hard work and effort which has made Hokoria thrive, and thank you to Hokoria’s founder, first Head of State, and now Chancellor, Willow Cizdeizd I, for their incredible work that gave us what we now have today. Well my friends, here’s to the future. Long live Hokoria!

King Aaron I, Royal Office
Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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