State of Hokoria becomes a monarchy

At 12:00 on the 18th February 2024, the State of Hokoria officially became a monarchist state following the passing of the now amended Act of Government. The new law has made significant changes to the structure and identity of the government, which is now known as the Royal Government of Hokoria.

It was passed in a vote of the Council of Representatives, with 4 votes in favour and 1 failure to vote.

What does the amendment change?

  • The Central Government of Hokoria is now known as the ‘Royal Government of Hokoria’.
  • The Office of the Head of State has merged with the Office of the Chancellor to become the Royal Office.
  • The Head of State is now known as the Monarch, with Aaron Ross becoming His Majesty, King Aaron I HOS PROH.
  • Central Government Branch Officers are now known as ‘Royal Officers’.
  • A new ‘Royal Duty Officer’ position has been created.

What does this new mean for me?

Citizens and foreign territories are mostly unaffected by the changes. The Department of the Interior has not yet made a statement regarding the validity of documents issued in the Central Government of Hokoria’s name. Democracy has not been affected by the change, with the recently announced election still going ahead.

Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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