Head of State considering a Hokorian monarchy

The Head of State is considering a transformation of Hokoria into a monarchist state. His Honour has expressed that whilst the changes are admittedly significant, they will not majorly affect the operation of the nation, and will mostly focus around national image.

His Honour understands that there have been concerns, and can confirm that under current plans, the name of the nation will remain as the ‘State of Hokoria’ and the flag will not be changed. Under the Act of Government, the Head of State is not required to hold this to any sort of democratic vote, and doesn’t intend to, unless there is a large amount of opposition for the change.

The State of Hokoria is currently a benevolent dictatorship, and the changes to the nation would see Hokoria become a monarchy with some democratic elements. The Monarch position would not be ceremonial. The predecessor nations to the State of Hokoria (the ‘Republic of Aweland’, ‘Old Hokoria’ and the ‘Secret Monarchist State of Hokoria’) were all monarchies.

A public discussion area has been opened in the WeAreHokoria Discord server, (which is temporarily named as the ‘Hokorian Empire’ server, as a joke).

Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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