We now use govhok.uk

The Central Government of Hokoria will now be using govhok.uk for most official websites and resources.

Why govhok.uk?

‘GOVHOK’ has been the main web address for our WordPress site since May 2023 and has been a key term when referring to our website. As a government service, ‘GOV’ makes sense to use. As a Hokorian service, ‘HOK’ also makes sense as it’s a three letter code that we (and others) use when referring to Hokoria.

How do we know it’s Hokorian?

If you spot any accounts, websites or emails from someone claiming to be from the Central Government of Hokoria, you can check verify.govhok.uk (the new GOVHOK Verify service). There, you’ll be able to find a list of official resources.

Please note: not all resources are listed on our GOVHOK Verify service yet and not all websites and resources use GOVHOK.UK yet.


We’re working to implement a new system for handling and sending emails so that our officials can get their own govhok.uk address. Some emails may use this soon, however the system will not be used officially pending more research into our options. We hope that a new system will help legitimise the State of Hokoria and provide peace of mind that you’re talking to a real Hokorian official.

What took so long?

There were delays in implementing our GOVHOK.UK domain due to now resolved issues with our registry, Nominet.

Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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