Snap election of December 2023

This post relates to an election. See our elections hub for more information and resources about elections.

The Head of State released a statement about a new election.

Following up from the recent implementation of the Act of Democratic Reform, I am announcing that there will be a snap election with voting starting on the 26th December 2023. Following delays regarding the democratic processes since the change in leadership, Hokoria will now have its first democratic elections since September.

As the Act of Democracy is no longer in force, and due to inactivity in the parties, all current political parties will be shut down, and citizens will once again have the right to form a new political party. However, unlike previous elections, there are some changes to how parties work. Political parties will need a minimum of five members to be eligible to run in elections, the reason for this is that we will have five seats in our legislature, which will also be revealed soon once we’ve had some time to work on it. This is also to prevent having multiple parties with similar ideas, when you could have one party that has a chance of winning the election.

If a party controls 3/5 seats, then the leader of that party shall be elected Chancellor.

Head of State, Aaron Ross
Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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