How we’re doing with our targets

The Department of Exterior Affairs released a statement regarding it’s plan until January 2024.

I’d like to provide an update on the Department of Exterior Affairs’ plan and how we’re currently doing in regards to it.

My department has been actively engaging in talks with foreign leaders and the citizens of their states in order to create positive relations between Hokoria, foreign governments and their people. We’re on track for our targets in regards to treaties and relations, with foreign policy and a Hokorian Standard being part of what we’re currently working on with the Office of the Head of State.

We’re remaining dedicated to allowing citizens to engage more with the Department of Exterior Affairs, having relaunched our foreign advisory service and working on a representation system that would allow citizens to help develop Hokoria’s advice towards the nations that are close to them. However, we’re facing difficulties with our economic plans due to the Office of Economics no longer being maintained. Finding a way around this is a priority and is something that the Head of State is working with us to resolve.

One transparency report has already been released by the Office of the Head of State and the Department of Exterior Affairs, with the decision to make a joint-report made due to the close nature of the Head of State and Hokoria’s exterior relations.

Proposals have been made to the Head of State which included the remaking of Hokoria’s flag and a new emblem for the Central Government of Hokoria. We hope to work with the Department of the Interior to make this a reality by January 2024.

Willow Cizdeizd I, Branch Officer for Exterior Affairs
Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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