Hokoria-Gunaka joint statement regarding Suteria and Egemonica

The State of Hokoria’s Department of Exterior Affairs and the Kingdom of Gunaka’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs have released a joint statement regarding the ongoing dispute and deterioration in relations between the Kingdom of Suteria and the Kingdom of Egemonica.

The State of Hokoria and the Kingdom of Gunaka are committed to monitoring the current situation between the Kingdom of Suteria and the Kingdom of Egemonica. We’re working with the leaders of both nations to work towards peaceful de-escalation.

Joint statement from the State of Hokoria and the Kingdom of Gunaka

The Kingdom of Gunaka’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs also added a separate statement.

The Kingdom of Gunaka denounces the war mongering, terroristic threats made by Suteria. The Empire and her allies stand ready to defend their Egemonican allies against these childish attacks.

Ministry of Gunakian Foreign Affairs, Section 2 (Gunaka)

The Department of Exterior Affairs added it’s own statement.

It’s disheartening to hear about the deterioration in relations and that Suterians have supposedly been calling for military action. A conflict will not be met with any support from the State of Hokoria and will only result in retaliation, which we are very keen to avoid at all costs.

Department of Exterior Affairs (Hokoria)
Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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