A new national identity

The Founder of Hokoria and the Head of State have spent the last month working on a new national identity for the State of Hokoria. We’re pleased to be able to share Hokoria’s new identity with you, the people.

The new identity takes form through a new flag for the State of Hokoria. Flags are important symbols for nations, the State of Hokoria not being an exception to this. Alongside the new flag, a coat of arms and new government logos have been created. There will also be a renaming of some Hokorian positions and how we officially refer to concepts, councils and more. These will also be detailed here.

Originally, citizens were told that there was a possibility of Hokoria’s new flag being put forward in a national referendum. However, the Head of State has decided that it will not for the sake of making the transition smoother and being able to implement the flag before the new year. A change to the national identity of Hokoria was first suggested by the Department of Exterior Affairs, which promised work to “rebrand the State of Hokoria’s identity”.

Central Government of Hokoria
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