Summary of the Central Government of Hokoria (19th November 2023 to 25th November 2023)

In the week starting on the 19th November 2023, the Central Government of Hokoria has:

  • Department of Exterior Affairs has launched a security operation that looks at supporting other states with security in any Discord community servers.
  • The Department of Exterior Affairs supported Curnon’s server security through implementing changes and writing a full security review. Read the report here.
  • The Department of Exterior Affairs supported (the People’s Republic of) Turisa’s server security through implementing changes and writing a full security review. Read the report here.
  • The Office of the Head of State and the Department of Exterior Affairs monitored two Cupertino Alliance Parliament sessions that briefly discussed the State of Hokoria’s bid to become a member state.
  • The State of Hokoria’s representative to the GOCO attended a GOCO Member State meeting.
  • The State of Hokoria’s representative to the GOCO attended a GOCO event ‘farewell to Kaltarsia’.
  • The State of Hokoria supported the GOCO’s Hydro Zone project with the development of the Hydro Zone’s digital systems.
  • The State of Hokoria supported the GOCO’s Hydro Zone project with the early design of the Hokorian variant of the Ψ10 (Hydro) note.

The Central Government of Hokoria is always looking for citizens who want to support us in our work. Contact us or apply for citizen status.

This summary is released as part of the Office of the Head of State and the Department of Exterior Affairs’ transparency operation and only reflects activity within HOS and EXT.

Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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