Publication of the Discord of the People’s Republic of Turisa’s security report

The Department of Exterior Affairs is publishing the security report of the People’s Republic of Turisa’s Discord community.

The Branch Officer for Exterior Affairs (Hokoria) has decided to publish our security report about the People’s Republic of Turisa’s Discord community.

The Department of Exterior Affairs (Hokoria) implemented and recommended changes to the People’s Republic of Turisa’s Discord community. We later withdrew from the server following the state joining the USR.

The Department of Exterior Affairs (Hokoria) is deeply disappointed by this decision but nevertheless wished the best to the state and the leader. The Department of Exterior Affairs has now endorsed the Federal Republic of Turisa.

This report is being published as part of the Department of Exterior Affairs’ commitment to transparency.

Department of Exterior Affairs
Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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