Hokoria’s Exterior Affairs support for Curnon

The Department of Exterior Affairs has conducted a protective operation that looked at identifying and resolving security vulnerabilities in Curnon’s online community.

The operation took place as part of Hokoria’s mission to supporting our allies and helping boost security in what are often vulnerable micronational digital spaces.

Curnon’s virtual community “Curnon@Discord” had a verification process, and a tight set of rules, but nothing more. We had no slowdowns in a specific channel, bots, or raid protection. I very much appreciate Hokoria deciding to help Curnon as a nation in fortifying its biggest online community.

They made many changes, including ensuring the prevention of spam or raids, adding bots, and adjusting the permissions of roles. This will likely work very well to prevent chaos in this virtual community, as up until now only 2 people were left to manage the whole server, 1 with poor internet.

We have also received multiple tips on how to further improve the server, including making a ticketing system of verification, and enabling the 2FA requirement. This is all very useful, and we thank Hokoria for taking the time to help this virtual community stay free of many problems than can, and do no longer haunt it.

Main Leader Asa Ward of the Oligarch State of Curnon

The Department of Exterior Affairs is continuing to support Curnon.

Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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