Head of State shuts down Hokorian Council and repeals Act of Democracy

Head of State Aaron Ross made an official announcement at 23:40 on the 14th November 2023.

The Hokorian Council has been officially dissolved, and the Act of Democracy repealed until further notice.

Aaron Ross, Head of State

This news is not shocking, as the Hokorian Council has faced the longest period of inactivity since it was founded. The last official vote was in early August 2023 on the GOCO‘s Treaty of the Tides.

What does this mean?

This action has rendered Hokoria an absolute dictatorship, with no democratic processes now in place for the nation. Regions are now obsolete, alongside the Act of Passing Laws.

Officially, there is no way for new acts of laws and policy to be enacted, however the Head of State is expected to use his powers from the Act of Government to ensure that operations are maintained and that Hokoria isn’t brought to a complete standstill.

The Office of the Chancellor has not been democratically filled since August 2023.

Why has this happened?

The Office of the Head of State has not released any official reasoning for these actions, but a more detailed release is expected in the coming days.

Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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