Cutting ties with Salanda

The State of Hokoria is officially withdrawing from all and any contact with the Kingdom of Salanda as we do not agree with it’s mission and stance regarding the human rights violations being committed by Israel.

How this relates to current affairs

Following the attacks that Hamas launched on Israel, which caused the deaths of over 1,500 Israelis and Palestinians. The media has been actively covering the attacks, rises in antisemitism and protests supporting the freedom of Palestinians and the State of Palestine.

What is our stance

We actively recognise Palestine as a state on an official basis, and this will not change. We would like to clarify that we do not recognise ‘Hamas’ in any official capacity. On the 9th August 2023, the Foreign Service changed it’s recognition of the State of Palestine to only recognise territory and not government or leadership in response to the denial of genocide. Our belief is that Israel is an apartheid state and that human rights violations have been and are continuing to be committed by Israel against Palestinians.

How this relates to Salanda

Salanda does support the Israeli forces in committing crimes against humanity. Hokoria does not want to be associated with this. We do not expect a response by the Government of the Kingdom of Salanda, with the exception of our officials being removed from accessing their services, but we hope that by making this statement and by taking this action, Hokorians can rest assured knowing that Hokoria does not support the atrocities being committed.

Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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