Plans to scrap territorial claims

The Head of State has released an internal document directed to members of the Hokorian Council regarding a recent proposal titled ‘Proposal A-20-7-23’ which seeks to entirely scrap the State of Hokoria’s territorial claims.

The territory is managed officially by the authority of Leeds City Council, under the United Kingdom’s ‘Local Government Act 2000’. Officially, the territory is not controlled by the Central Government of Hokoria or any of its local governments due to a lack of physical resources available to control such an area.

Furthermore, should the State of Hokoria have such resources, it is largely believed that local residents of the town of Yeadon would not benefit from their local space being managed by the State of Hokoria.

It is for this reason that I am proposing that we ‘scrap’ our claims of this area in favour of a future purchase of our own land which may be used to achieve an independent Hokoria.

‘Plan for the State of Hokoria’, 21/July/2023
Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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