Founder’s message regarding diversity and inclusion

Founder, Willow Dziedzic I’s statement regarding diversity and inclusion in the State of Hokoria.

From the beginning, inclusivity has been at the heart of the State of Hokoria and the micronations that came before it, including the Republic of Aweland.

It is truly disheartening to see social conflict taking place around the world because of one’s religion, gender, race, sexuality and political views. In creating the State of Hokoria, an inclusive and diverse community is what I wanted to created.

Hokoria is has always been and will continue to be welcome to people of all religions, races, political views, genders and sexualities. Acts of discrimination and hate speech will not be tolerated, for our community is proud of who we are and what we are. None of us are the same, yet we collectively strive to support each other.

Founder, Willow Dziedzic I
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