Public health advisory: heat

The Department of the Interior has issued the following public health advice:

Forecasts show high temperatures of up to 30°C (86°F) are to be expected for the rest of the weekday and the beginning of the weekend. We advise everyone to keep in mind the effects of the heat, which include:


Remember to drink enough water, as you will sweat out a lot of fluids throughout the day.


Symptoms of overheating can include: a tingling sensation on your skin, headaches and nausea. Please note this can be a bigger problem to those with heart and breathing problems.

Heat exhaustion

This is when you have low water/salt in your body. Symptoms include: feeling faint, feeling weak and muscle cramps.


When the body’s temperature is 40 degrees or above, heatstroke can hit. It is quite similar to heat exhaustion, but it may cause you to lose consciousness, have dry skin and stop sweating.

This advisory expires at 00:00 on 18/June/2023 (GMT+1).
Released by

Royal Government of Hokoria

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