Government data handling policy

When you use the Royal Government of Hokoria’s services, you have the right to know what information we collect, why we collect it and how we keep you in control of your information.

Last updated

Who we are

The Royal Government of Hokoria is a public body of the State of Hokoria, established under the Act of Government (2023). The Royal Government of Hokoria includes His Majesty’s Royal Office, the Department of the Interior and the Department of Exterior Affairs.

Contact us

Any privacy requests and concerns can be raised with the Department of the Interior at

Data we collect

The Royal Government of Hokoria collects personal information from applicants and citizens. This includes names, dates of birth, gender identities, general locations, email addresses and contact preferences.

We collect this information from applicants and citizens through various services offered by the Royal Government of Hokoria.

Why we need this data

We collect names so that we can identify who you are and can address you properly. We collect dates of birth, gender identities and general locations to check eligibility to access our services. We collect email addresses so that we can get in touch with you. We collect contact preferences so that we can know what to contact you about.

What we use this data for

We use names to know who we are addressing so that we can refer to you in a personal and human manner. We use dates of birth to check that you are able to access our services, some of which may only be available to people above a certain age. We use gender identities to check that you are able to access our services, some of which may only be available to people of a certain gender identity.

How long do we keep this data

Generally, we keep your data until you revoke consent for us to store it. Some services may have different retention periods.

Who we share data with

We share information with other public bodies of the State of Hokoria, upon their request and based on necessity. Your information may be stored using Google or Airtable, with this being subject to their own privacy policies. We share information with the subject, upon request.

To use some services, we may share your data with others. This should be stated in the service’s privacy notice.

Other data we process

We may process other types of data without collecting it. This should be stated in the service’s privacy notice.

Your rights

Under data protection law, you have certain rights that relate to the data we collect.

The right to request your data

You have the right to request the data that we collect and store about you. To request your information, you should submit a details request (if applicable). Should you like to request any other data, you should email the branch of government with your name, email address and proof of identity (an official government ID) alongside a statement saying that you would like to request your data.

Additionally, you have the right to request how we collected your data, where it has not been submitted by you. To request how we collected your data where it has not been submitted by you, you should email the branch of government with your name, email address and proof of identity (an official government ID) alongside a statement saying that you would like to request to know how we collected your data.

The right to update your data

You have the right to request that we update the data that we collect and store about you, in order to ensure that it’s accurate. To update your information, you should submit a change your details request (if applicable). Should you like to change any other data, you should email the branch of government with your name, email address and proof of identity (an official government ID) alongside a statement saying that you would like to update your data.

The right to revoke consent

You have the right to revoke consent for us to collect and store your data. To revoke your consent, you should revoke your citizen status (if applicable) and email with your name, email address and proof of identity (an official government ID) alongside a statement saying that you revoke your consent for us to collect and store your data.

The right to complain

You have the right to file a complaint about how we handle your data with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

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