Discord community terms of use

Terms of Use

Within servers managed by the Royal Government of Hokoria, all members are subject to our Discord Community Terms of Use and agree to these Discord Community Terms of Use upon participating in the server. We reserve the right to blacklist anyone from our servers, as they are services of the Royal Government of Hokoria.

Be respectful

We ask that all members act respectfully towards everyone. Any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying is not allowed. The use of slurs is prohibited, including where possibly reclaimable.

Be friendly

We ask that all members act in a friendly manner and refrain from being rude towards others. Any personal conflict or drama should be kept out of our servers and taken to DMs.

No NSFW or gory content

We ask that members do not share any kind of NSFW or gory content within our servers. Our servers are available to anyone aged 13 or over, with a high likelihood that minors will also be present in our servers. This kind of material is not appropriate.

Don’t disrupt our servers

We ask that members refrain from spamming or participating in other actions that could clog up chats. We ask that members also use the most appropriate channels for their conversations and actions. Moderation actions should not be discussed within public chats and should be discussed in DMs or a private channel.

Follow Discord’s rules

We ask that members follow the Discord Terms of Service and Discord Community Guidelines at all times.

Service note

As services of the Royal Government of Hokoria, we reserve the right to blacklist users from our Discord servers for any reason. Additionally, we reserve the right to issue sanctions for reasons not listed in our Discord Community Terms of Use- our Discord Community Terms of Use are non-exhaustive.

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