Exterior travel advice: Catalonia

The State of Hokoria borders the Spanish autonomous region of Catalonia, in the city of Sabadell. The Royal Government of Hokoria maintains no formal relations with local or national Governments within Spain (including Catalonia).

Entry to Catalonia

From the State of Hokoria’s territory bordering Catalonia, no passport or visa checks are enforced by the Royal Government of Hokoria or the Spanish Government. The Spanish Government does not recognise the State of Hokoria’s independence and does not enforce a border.

You may face border checks when entering Spain from elsewhere. The Spanish Government may not accept a Hokorian Passport and it is advised that holders do not attempt to cross the Spanish border with Hokorian documents.

Safety and security

The emergency telephone number (for police, fire and ambulance) in Europe is 112.

Spain is generally a safe country, though there is a heightened risk of terrorism against Westerners. The risk of a terrorist attack in Spain (including Catalonia) is high.

Petty crime, such as theft and pickpocketing, is common in busy areas and tourist attractions. It’s recommended to keep your belongings with you at all times.


Medical services are available across Catalonia. Residents of Catalonia and some visitors may have access to CatSalut, the public Catalan Health Service. It is likely that you will have to pay for your healthcare in Catalonia.

Female and LGBTQ+ travellers

Female and LGBTQ+ travellers in particular face an elevated safety risk when travelling to foreign territories. It’s important to conduct research on attitudes towards women or LGBTQ+ people before travelling.

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