How government works

The Royal Government of Hokoria is overseen by the nation’s Monarch, as according to the Act of Government. As part of the Act of Democratic Reform, the Monarch must hold elections in order to appoint a Chancellor to support them with the management of the government.

What does the government actually do?

The government provides services for citizens, and oversees the governance of the nation. From citizenship to diplomacy, issuing documents to organising events, the Royal Government of Hokoria is at the centre of the nation.

How does the government represent me?

The government frequently engages with the community, and is always open to feedback and criticism. Furthermore, there is a scheduled ‘Monarch and Chancellor’s Questions’ as part of every session of the Council of Representatives. You can contact any Representative to ensure that your question is answered by the government.

How is the government structured?

Monarch (Head of the State)

The Monarch is the nation’s Head of the State, and oversees the Royal Government of Hokoria. Typically, they work alongside their Chancellor to see that the government remains active, often providing advice and direction for the Chancellor.


The Chancellor is the nation’s Head of the Government, and manages the Royal Government of Hokoria. They are elected by the people and appointed by the Monarch. Typically, they choose their government and manage it. They will often make decisions regarding the government and the nation.

Royal Officers

Royal Officers lead a branch of the government, being in charge of it’s operations and directing any officials who serve under their branch.

Royal Duty Officers

Royal Duty Officers are given a specific goal or objective to oversee within the government, serving under a branch of government.

Staff of the Government

Any staff within the government who don’t have a position such as Monarch, Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Royal Officer, Deputy Royal Officer or Royal Duty Officer are simply known as staff of the government. They work under a branch of government to support its mission and provide their services where needed.

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