Births and deaths

It is possible to register a birth or a death with the Royal Government of Hokoria. Registrations of births and deaths are handled by the Department of the Interior.

How we recognise births

Under the Act of Births and Deaths (2023), there are certain requirements for registering a birth with the Royal Government of Hokoria.

  • At least one parent of the child must be a Hokorian Citizen.
  • Parents must be able to provide documented evidence of the birth.
  • Parents must be able to prove their parental status over a child.

Where a registration is successful, the Department of the Interior should issue a certificate of birth, also known as a birth certificate. Certificates of birth may be used within the State of Hokoria and are recognised by the Government and all public bodies.

How we recognise deaths

Under the Act of Births and Deaths (2023), there are certain requirements for registering a death with the Royal Government of Hokoria.

  • The person must have been a Hokorian Citizen or one of the person’s parents must have been a Hokorian Citizen.
  • Must be able to provide documented evidence of the person’s death.

Where a registration is successful, the Department of the Interior should issue a certificate of death, also known as a death certificate. Certificates of death may be used within the State of Hokoria and are recognised by the Government and all public bodies.

Foreign documents

The Department of the Interior and the Department of Exterior Affairs work together to certify documents issued by foreign territories. Foreign documents may be used as evidence in a birth or death registration, though may be subject to denial in rare cases.

Documents issued by foreign territories considered as ‘micronational’ are especially subject to denial.

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