Territori Reial de Keraland

The Territori Reial de Keraland (Royal Territory of Keraland) is a territory of the State of Hokoria that borders Catalonia.

Keraland was formerly a territory of Ikerlàndia, but became a joint-administered territory of the State of Hokoria as a show of friendship between Ikerlàndia and Hokoria following a mutual dispute with another nation.

Whilst Keraland is no longer joint-administered, the territory is maintained as a part of the State of Hokoria and as a symbol of Ikerlàndia-Hokoria relations.

Keraland Governor’s Office

The Keraland Governor’s Office is the Territorial Government of the Territori Reial de Keraland, according to the Act of Territorial Government (2024). The office is vacant and has no appointed Governor.

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