Emergencies and threats

The Royal Government of Hokoria works with Territorial Governments to declare emergencies. Their Majesty’s Royal Office issues the national threat level.

Active emergencies

National threat level

The national threat level is low. This threat level is reviewed and updated by Their Majesty’s Royal Office regularly.

Citizens and officials are expected to express a reasonable degree of caution.

Levels of emergency

There are various levels of emergency declaration, each granting different powers and each having different levels of severity.


An emergency declaration at green level allows the Government to issue an emergency declaration and advisory for the public, without granting extra powers to the Government and public bodies. This is useful for urging some caution and the publication of advice.


An emergency declaration at yellow level allows the Government to issue an emergency declaration and advisory for the public, with additional powers being granted to ensure that the Government may focus efforts on the emergency as well as spend any funds on relief efforts.


An emergency declaration at red level allows the Government to issue an emergency declaration and advisory for the public, with additional powers being granted to ensure that the Government may focus efforts on the emergency as well as spend any funds on relief efforts. The Government may also call upon citizens to support efforts, with public cooperation being required by law. Restrictions may be imposed, where issued through an Emergency Order.


An emergency declaration at black level allows the Government to issue an emergency declaration and advisory for the public, with the full suspension of democratic processes and non-essential Government operations. The Government should be restructured and may establish a ‘Department of Emergencies’ where personnel and citizens may be appointed to support relief efforts. Funds may be used to support relief efforts and public cooperation should be required by law.

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